75th Anniversary - Introduction

May 15, 2021 marks a milestone for Vibratech TVD. 75 years ago, Bernard E. O'Connor presented his technical paper, "The Viscous Rotary Damper: As Applied to the Crankshaft of An Internal Combustion Engine" to the Society of Automotive Engineers in Buffalo, New York.
Prior to the meeting, excitement was circulating around the region. "Houde's announcement of the new damper says: 'It should prove one of the most important engineering discoveries of recent years.'" declared the Buffalo Evening News on March 13, 1946.
The Houde Engineering Division of Houdaille-Hershey Corporation was truly on to a breakthrough. The stakes were already high. Houdaille linear and rotary shock absorbers were well-regarded as the best in the world and a key machinery component for the war effort. The Houde Engineering team was now determined to improve internal engine vibration damping for durability and NVH control. Just as their shocks had done for automobiles, aircraft and rail cars.
For 75 years the viscous torsional vibration damper has improved engine durability. It remains a leading choice for the industries that move the economy.
Artist sketch of the original Houdaille viscous torsional vibration damper. 1946.
The viscous rotary damper would become known as the torsional vibration damper (TVD). Through acquisitions Houdaille (pronouced hoo-dye) would become Vibratech, a division of IDEX. Then product lines split off to new ownerships. Today Vibratech TVD specializes in torsional vibration solutions. We continuously improve the use of viscous damper technologies because it remains the choice for engine and driveline durability. We're proud to collaborate with over 30 global OEM and Tier 1 powertrain manufactures to provide the widest product application experience in the damper industry.
Advertisement appearing in the S.A.E. Journal and Automotive Industries magazine. Fall 1948.
2009 Vibratech TVD product and services catalog cover. The viscous torsional vibration damper has gone from commercial trucks to several industries at the core of the modern economy.
Follow Vibratech TVD this week as we celebrate 75 years of the viscous torsional vibration damper! We'll take you on a look back at company archives. Discover the rich history and implications of this remarkable engine component. Explore the topics of:
- What led up to the Houde Engineering Division of Houdaille-Hershey invention?
- Manufacturing Then and Now.
- Advertising Through The Decades.
- Industries Impacted By The Viscous Torsional Vibration Damper.
- Looking Ahead To The Next 75 Years.