75th Anniversary - Advertising Through the Decades

Brian LeBarron
May 13, 2021
Advertising Through The Decades
Advertising presents a brand and distills its value to its clearest form. In a short space it must grab your attention, create awareness and persuade you to action. There has been advertising since the inception of the Houdaille viscous torsional vibration damper in 1946. Scroll on for a fun glimpse of well-crafted product marketing through the lense of media art and social-economic change.
Advertising style has changed through the years, but the message holds true. Vibratech TVD viscous torsional vibration dampers mean quality powertrain protection.
Late 1940s & 1950s
Manufacturer after manufacturer has tested, approved, and adopted it for production models.
1960s & 1970s
They keep right on protecting your engine crankshafts... and clutches, timing gears and transmissions... for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of miles over the highway or the rails, or years and years in stationary and marine diesels.
And reliability is important. Reliability in the product and in the people who make it. Houdaille has never shut anyone down. We've always been there. On time. With service.
the nation's largest independent original equipment manufacturer of viscous dampers.
improve engine life and economy by controlling destructive torsional vibrations. Installing a new damper at every major overhaul can save you money down the road.
Essential Heavy-Duty Damper Service. A core resource for diesel technicians and service managers. Get our free tech guide [click here].
Protecting the engines that move the world.